About the Spacious Tarot Deck
An immersive, independently created tarot deck.
The Spacious Tarot is a 78 card tarot deck created by Carrie Mallon and Annie Ruygt. The deck comes with a guidebook, making it suitable for beginners as well as seasoned tarot practitioners.
If you'd like a sneak peek at the entire deck, check out this unboxing video by Áine Orga on YouTube.
The first edition was made possible by Kickstarter supporters in 2019. The deck is now in its second edition.
The second edition is very similar to the first, but there are a few small changes. Here’s all the details:
- Updated spelling on the Three of Pentacles. This card had a small spelling mistake in the first edition which has been corrected for the second edition.
- The line work on a couple of cards has been very subtly changed (Guardian of Cups, Ace of Cups). The Five of Pentacles is the most noticeable change, it has been reworked so that the creature is more clearly identifiable as a wolf!
- The back of the box has been redesigned and a ribbon has been added inside the box.
Please note that any deck you find online that looks different than our deck here (different style of box, card size) is a plagiarized deck. Official Spacious Tarot decks are only sold from this website and from our official stockists.